
dog days are over

Good morning, I'm early bird today! I've wanted u to see the photos taken while breaking a journey for a couple of hours in British Port Bay. No no my photos don't seem to end, i still have some photos to post.
Lots of things to do today. Gotta go to Beymen to take my new blazer jacket shortened by the tailor. I actually should've gone there before but somehow, i forgot. There's one more thing for me not to forget like buying Efes One Love Festival tickets for me, Aslı and Elena which will happen in SantraIistanbul on 14-15 July. It's also the day Elena will come to İstanbul. It's so excited for all i'll do ! Now i need to have my breakfast..see you in the evening.

2 yorum:

  1. These photos are stunning!


  2. Awesome pics. I´m a fan of black and white shots.
    You look gorgeous :D

